Monday, March 9, 2009

It's coming up on 3 weeks now since I lost my job, my previous company decided to cut 10% of it's workforce in North America, so 1500 people lost their jobs on February 18th. So after almost 8 years at this place, I'm back to a spot I'd never thought I would be in again, as I really thought that company was stable enough to weather this economic storm, and that I'd end up retiring there. The first couple of days I was quite negative, but now I'm looking at this as a positive, in the long term I think it will be better for my career, as things may have been getting stale at the old job anyhow. I've been doing the same thing for 17 years, image editing and color correction in Photoshop, mostly for magazine and flyer work. Now I'm wondering if I can use those skills to get into moviemaking, or doing something on the internet or television. I've also got the opportunity to do some freelancing as well, so that could open some doors as well, possibly getting a full time job at a previous employer (which is now located just 2km from my house, so that would be perfect!) If anyone reading this blog (does anyone read my ramblings??) knows of any opportunities out there for someone with my skills, let me know!

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