Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ontario Budget 2009

So the new Ontario Budget is going to be released this afternoon at 4pm, and already people are starting to whine about the fact that they think that the $1000 being given to families making under $160,000 per year is a bribe, to make people feel good about the harmonization of the PST and GST into one single 13% tax. I just can't believe that people are whining about this! Hello, the government is giving you $1000! It's supposed to come in the form of three separate checks over the course of a year, and I think anytime the government gives you money it's a good thing! Too often they are just taking it away! (such as yesterday we got a letter from Revenue Canada telling us they updated our 2007 taxes and now they calculated we owe them another $386!! WTF?? Why wait a full year to tell us this? We haven't even done our 2008 taxes yet, hopefully we get money back!) I'm no financial expert, but from what I've seen on TV this morning, the harmonization of the two taxes is going to save businesses a lot of money, and it's going to attract new business to Ontario also. That sounds like a good thing to me. Time will tell!

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